Go to our YouTube channel to watch the episodes (just search The YouSchool)My nightmare at 20 years old was
that I would wake up at 40 and feel deep regret that I lived the wrong life- a really nice, predictable, and boring story belonging to someone else. If you had told me back then that there was actually a roadmap, a step-by-step curriculum to walk through that would help me put all the pieces of my life together and set me on a path to build an authentic, meaningful life- I would've done anything to get it. It matters now more than ever. Right alongside planning for your future is living well now. We're at an urgent time in our world: mental health / unemployment and The Great Resignation...Building a Meaningful Life isn't something you just close your eyes and wish for.It's not something only a few people get lucky enough to experience.You can't just put your head down, do what you're 'supposed to' and try hard, and expect it all to work out.It's something you can design. And everyone deserves the opportunity to build a meaningful life. The thing about life, though, is there are no black and white answers. What we've discovered over a decade of working with more than 20,000 students, hundreds of educators, over 1,500 military service members through their transition to the civilian world, and countless conversations with parents, elite athletes, therapists, neuroscientists, and researchers are:There are 30 Critical Questions everyone must answer for themselves so their identity is defined, their purpose is clear, and they have what they need to build healthy relationships. Those are the pillars, and answering those questions will give you the foundation you need so you can make wiser choices about your career, feel alive as you pursue a mission and contribute to a cause bigger than yourself, experience inner peace as your inner and outer lives become more congruent, navigate the complexity of friendships so you can find the belonging you long for, and feel grateful for the life you get to live.I'm not exaggerating, this is the reality you can experience. So here's the plan: every week we'll release a new episode.In one episode we'll dig into the question- why it's critical, how to go about discovering an answer.Go to theyouschool.com/store to sign up.The following episode we'll invite a guest and talk through that question with them- so you can see what it looks like to dig in and do the deeper reflection work.Maybe this is something you'll want to go through for yourself.Perhaps you have a friend or small group and you want to have these deeper conversations with them.Or you're a parent, and you've been struggling to find the right conversations and context to engage your kid- follow along, listen to these episodes in the car or watch them together online. If you'd like, you can sign up and follow along with some curriculum to guide you, too. These episodes are free, please share. To access the curriculum that goes with the episodes is simple- signup for only $5/month and we'll send you the videos as well as a downloadable worksheet you can use to go deeper for yourself or with a friend or your kids or students.
Scott Schimmel