Welcome into the best weekly ANIME PODCAST! We review current and classic Anime shows and movies, along with
keeping up with some of the favorite seasonal shows! We go over the good, the bad, and every part in-between for the shows as we discuss them! Episodes consist of two parts: The review or anime that is the prime focus of the weeks episode, and then a second half called The Ramble where we talk everything else including shows we're watching, news, and listener mail and questions! Be sure to send us your thoughts questions in to our email @ thegoodbuddiesanimepod@gmail.com or join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/T9hpVXx to have them answered at the end of the shows, and give us the unique opportunity to interact and get to know each of our fellow anime lovers out there! Thank you, everyone! -Roger & Brandon: The Good BuddiesJoin our Discord @ https://discord.gg/T9hpVXx Follow us!Email @ thegoodbuddiesanimepod@gmail.com Website @ http://www.podcasts.com/the-good-buddies-anime-podcast-51bef3a19Spotify @The Good Buddies Anime PodcastItunes @https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-good-buddies-anime-podcastStitcher @ http://stitcher.com/s?fid=177098&refid=stprYoutube @ www.youtube.com/rapidkickmediaTwitter @ tgb_animepodFacebook @ http://www.Facebook.com/RapidKickMediaInstagram @ https://www.instagram.com/rapidkickmedia/
Roger Moore, Brandon
The Good Buddies