Great movies take their place in history, but what about all the 'turkeys' and disastrous flops littering the
vast cinematic cesspool? If you really love movies, then what does it matter if a particular film won eight Oscars or eight Razzies? Sometimes over-the-top hammy acting, laughably choreographed fight sequences and rubber monster FX outdo even the most lavish productions in the Academy Awards echelon. So, whether it's an unsurpassed masterpiece or a piece of something else, every movie I talk about in this podcast is near and dear to my heart. Some you will know well, some you'd be well off never knowing at all, at least until hearing just how enjoyably awful they are, so plug in those earbuds or don your expensive blingy Beats, and let's take a trip to the movies! (Popcorn optional)
Mike D'Arrigo