RENAR Voice is a podcast interview series produced by Liberty University's north area region Rho Eta Nu Alpha
Rho (RENAR) online chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, the counseling academic and professional honor society, that features counseling professors, practitioners, and leaders both at Liberty and beyond. Enjoy these extracurricular opportunities for professional identity formation while hearing from both the counselors who make up our online community and some experts from the wider field of mental health. We aim to provide a place where students learn relevant aspects of the counseling identity and gain wisdom to incorporate spiritual integration responsibly and ethically. RENAR was birthed by the amazing efforts of Liberty University clinical mental health counseling graduates and the RENAR chapter's founding officers Robert Switala and Jeff Mazzone, along with support from founding chapter faculty advisers Dr. Krista Kirk, Dr. John King, Dr. Deedre Mitchell, and from student advocacy committee member Dr. Chris Ostrander.Starting in 2023, Erica Rhoads, LPC, NCC along with Ana Barend, LMHC, NCC, both Counselor Education and Supervision doctoral students are eager to continue the legacy Robert and Jeff initiated in creating meaningful content that will bless the counseling students they serve. The Special Feature series spotlights experts outside Liberty on unique topics.The Client Voices series offers the opportunity for specific populations to share their own stories in receiving counseling.Ideas expressed in these episodes are solely those of the hosts or guests, and are not necessarily endorsed by Liberty University, Chi Sigma Iota, and the RENAR chapter.Email us at with comments and recommendations
Rho Eta Nu Alpha Rho (RENAR)