The Show Opening: 'Pill Street Blues aka 275 Days aka Klono Pain aka Klonopinterest aka The Wrath of Klon
aka Klonocles: Chronicling my Journey off Klonopin is an audio version of my journey off Klonopin. Part 1 of my Klonopin journal takes the audience through my 275-day micro taper, utilizing a liquid titration method, while part 2 takes you into the ups and downs of life with full blown benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.'Background: Between May 6, 2014 and February 5, 2015, I engaged in what turned out to be the most difficult thing I've ever done: I slowly tapered off 2.5 mg of Klonopin -- my 20th and final psychotropic medication. In retrospect, this made the decisions I had made earlier in the year to go on leave from graduate school, to quit the best job I've ever had, and to give up all of my other commitments in life a no-brainer.This podcast is an audio version of my thorough, 2-part, written account of my journey off Klonopin (aka clonazepam). These recordings will guide you through the ups and downs of the hell that is benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, along with the hellos and goodbyes of various people and my awakening to the painful Truth of Western medicine, psychiatry, and the rest of the world I live in. Each entry is intentionally 5 minutes or fewer. This is due to the often indescribable nature of benzo withdrawl. I will release new episodes (days/ journal entries) on Sundays and Wednesdays. Part 1 of my journal is the 275-day micro-taper off 2.5 mg of Klonopin, while Part 2 is about adjusting to life after my final dose as somebody in full-blown benzo withdrawal. (For Part 2, I suggest the following: Think of the Brooks character from the movie THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION after he's been let out of prison.)After it goes live, visit for more info or to connect.All music, artwork, and writings are original works of the person you hear (me) in these recordings. All Rights Reserved ©