The world has ended. What do we do now? No one knows what the meteor was, or from which far-off star system
it originated. All that is known that it blazed across the sky over the cornfields of the Midwest, a brilliant streak of red across a background of stars. The impact crater it left in the badlands of South Dakota made the whole North American continental plate vibrate like the surface of a drum, and caused earthquakes and tsunamis all across the earth.But it wasn't the meteor that ended the world, but what the meteor carried.Within a matter of weeks, half the United States was overrun with a strange red vegetation that choked the life from the soil, devouring field and forest and desert as it spread. It was like nothing the earth had ever seen: a forest of red leaves and twisting vines that consumed flesh as if it were an animal. As if it were sentient.What the forest didn't devour, it corrupted beyond recognition. Within months, North America was covered in choking vines and trees. And with spores borne on the wind, the rest of the world fell into ruin as well.But the forest had one weakness. For some reason, salt water caused it to wither and die, shriveling up until it crumbled into ash. So, in some of the world's seaside cities, people fought back. Men and women, using tanks of seawater and fire hoses, carved out enclaves of human habitation: tiny pockets of humanity in a world where they had become obsolete.In what we once called the San Francisco Bay Area, a small community still survives. And here, at the top of a white stone tower that overlooks the life-saving waters of the bay, a lone man broadcasts a solitary radio channel, a single voice in the endless wilderness, going out to no one in particular.The Age of Humanity is over. The Age of the Blood Forest has begun. This is Blood Forest Radio.New episodes of Blood Forest Radio come out every two weeks. It iswritten by Ian P. Johnson and Daniel Lindsley, and performed by IanP. Johnson. Original music for each episode is written by Tim andDerek Hamersly. Our logo and website were designed by Sydney Shafer.
Blood Forest Radio