?? A horror podcast that feels like hanging out with friends! A few quotes from listeners:???? 'This podcast
helped get me through lockdown. Love it!' - Jennifer Carstens???? 'I usually try to catch your show Sunday afternoons on YouTube. I've come to look at you, Rick, Pete, Matt and others as buddies.' - Ed Kinter ???? 'Thanks for reminding me that reading is a joy.' - Adam Taylor-------------???? Join us as we discuss cosmic horror, weird fiction, Lovecraftian horror, horror movies, books, and related topics. I mean... all KINDS of related topics. Especially horror. ???? Guests have included Paul Tremblay, Catriona Ward, Laird Barron, Gwendolyn Kiste, Joe Lansdale, and many others!-------------???? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lovecraftezine???? Twitter: https://twitter.com/misanthropemike???? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LovecraftZine???? All eZine links: https://linktr.ee/misanthropemike-------------???? 'The Lovecraft eZine' is a small press, website, and podcast devoted to the Cthulhu Mythos, cosmic horror, comics, horror, weird fiction, and more.
Mike Davis