My name's Mark Oliver. I'm an English teacher from Gloucester in the UK. I have been teaching English since
2002 and have taught in over ten countries, including, Japan, Brazil, Thailand, Lebanon, Singapore, Portugal and Sri Lanka.I've created these mini podcasts to help students improve their grammar, learn some new words and practise their listening. On the early podcasts, I chat a bit about different things and discuss areas of grammar and vocabulary. I write a summary of each podcast with links to useful websites on my website ( By the way, the level of the English in the podcasts is around Intermediate (B1).On the newer podcasts I read my graded readers aloud. The graded readers are free to download at, so you can read and listen to them at the same time. This is a good way to improve your pronunciation and build up your reading and word recognition speed,If you have any grammar or vocabulary questions, please send me a message on Soundcloud or Instagram. You can also email me at I'll do my best to answer your questions during the podcast on a special slot called Question Time. Enjoy the podcast and good luck with your studies! : )
Mark J. Oliver