The Debbie Reynolds 'The Data Diva' Talks podcast features thought-provoking discussions with global leaders
on data privacy challenges affecting businesses. This podcast delves into emerging technologies, international laws and regulations, data ethics, individual privacy rights, and future trends. With listeners in over 100 countries, we offer valuable insights for anyone interested in navigating the evolving data privacy landscape. Debbie Reynolds, 'The Data Diva,' has made a name for herself as a leading voice in the world of Data Privacy and Emerging Technology with a focus on industries such as AdTech, FinTech, EdTech, Biometrics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Smart Manufacturing, Smart Cities, Privacy Tech, Smartphones, and Mobile App development. With over 20 years of experience in Emerging Technologies, Debbie has established herself as a trusted advisor and thought leader, helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of Data Privacy and Data Protection. As the CEO and Chief Data Privacy Officer of Debbie Reynolds Consulting LLC, Debbie brings a unique combination of technical expertise, business acumen, and passionate advocacy to her work.
Debbie Reynolds