A weekly podcast that reads out ghost stories, horror stories, and weird tales every week. Classic stories
from the pens of the masters Occasionally, we feature living authors, but the majority are dead. Some perhaps are undead.We go from cosy Edwardian ghost stories (E. F. Benson, Walter De La Mare) to Victorian supernatural mysteries (M. R. James, Elizabeth Gaskell, Bram Stoker, and Charles Dickens) to 20th-century Weird Tales (Robert Aickman, Fritz Lieber, Clark Ashton-Smith, and H. P. Lovecraft) and wander from the Gothic to the Odd, even to the Literary, and then back again.Each episode is followed by Tony's take on the story, which can ramble on to discuss the weather, books, his dogs, what Sheila is foraging, and what he thinks of hauntology. Perfect to fall asleep to, and perfectly optional if you only want the tale itself.
Tony Walker