Democracy is not a spectator sport, it requires informed participating citizens. On Keeping Democracy Alive,
we delve into dynamics that both inhibit democracy and reinvigorate it. looking into issues from: domestic economic issues to foreign, labor, trade, and education policy, NSA spying, the drug war, prison, police, and judicial issues, electoral and protest politics, middle east realities, right and left wing populism, environmental and energy issues, the wealth gap, and internet issues. Including such issues and movements as the Occupy Movement, Citizens United, safe energy, Jewish Voice for Peace, Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Spiritual Progressives, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies, Wealth for the Common Good, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, BDS, Campaign for America's Future, TransPacific Partnership, NORML and MPP, the OffNow Coalition, The World Bank and IMF, The Birch Society, and many more. We talk with authors of important new history books for insight into current dilemmas. The idea is to empower listeners with facts behind current problems and with specific opportunities for them to make positive change to revitalize democracyGuests of note include: Gore Vidal, George McGovern, Claire Conner, Medea Benjamin, Adam Hochschild, Ben Cohen, Bernie Sanders, Anna Gyorgy, Marjorie Cohn, Elias Isquith, Zaid Jilani, Merle Ratner, Peter Van Buren, Brian Kahn, Allen Brownfeld, Michael Hill, Joyce Horman, Debra Sweet, Ken Gloss, Zephyr Teachout, Rev. Bruce Shipman, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Steven Jonas, Alex Pareene, Michael Kazin, Richard Eskow, Patrick Smith, Jules Feffer, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, Eric Zuesse, Guy Saperstein, Richard Rothstein, Chuck Collins, Astra Taylor, Bryan Stephenson, Margaret Flowqers, Kevin Zeese, Roger Hickey, Bob Borosage, Bruce Dancis, Philip Smith, Sean McElwee, Amanda Marcotte, Shane Trejo, Noam Chomsky, MJ Rosenberg, Hedrick Smith, Ellen Brown. Subscribe to RSS Feed at
Burt Cohen