After 4 years of embracing our stuck through The Stranded Phase podcast, it's time we shift and decide to
change our own narrative. For those who've followed along on this journey, this doesn't mean we won't be met with pain, we won't get hurt, or we won't go through transitional periods, it means its time we invite wealth into our life in all forms.A long and unsolicited healing journey led Jessica to realize that being RICH has nothing to do with money. Money is the by product. This long and necessary invitation sent her searching inwards and eventually brought her to finding happiness in being RICH in connection, RICH in community, RICH in soul, RICH in love, RICH in spirit, RICH in family, and so much more. From EMDR therapists, relationship coaches, neurologists, 7 figure earners, Shamans, and soul thrilling conversations her goal is to help you put words to feelings you've felt but may not understand. This podcast includes but is not limited to everyone she is connected with that helped change her life. From dear friends in business to people she trusts you will be invited into HONEST conversations around growing, evolving, and dealing with personal and professional journeys at the same damn time. Welcome to RICH IN REAL LIFE
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