True Love. No limits, no obstacles, no miscommunications. Only Love. 'Give up, let go, leave everything
behind, follow your passions, and remember how to fly, and everything you've ever dreamed of can be yours.' --That's how this story goes. There's no arch villain, no dark conspiracy, not even a comedy of errors. This story goes straight to the heart of happily ever after and, like true love, it never strays. The Director's Cut of Lost and Not Found begins where one person reaches that point of 'enough is enough,' stops playing by the rules, and starts following his heart. Leaving behind everything that led to his decision, and restoring parts of the story that had once been left on the cutting-room floor, it delivers a new experience whether you've read the other editions or not. In these pages you'll find a faerie, a two-headed monster, titans young and old, a flying city, amazing museums, unusual time mechanics, and many more wonders as they're discovered by two people in love. This cut of the book was made for the lovers and the dreamers out there.
Teel McClanahan III on