Myths and mysteries. Fables and fairy tales. Anecdotes and adventures. Oracles and oral tradition. Life
surrounds us with themes, archetypes, symbols, and patterns that we weave into narrative to inform our relationship to everything: our selves, others, community, culture, nature, the divine. Courageous exploration of storytelling and its metaphors serves as a powerful tool for spiritual healing, growth, and change; dynamic, deliberate relationship with magick, myth & meaning facilitates personal, interpersonal & collective transformation. After all, stories, storytelling, and storytellers empower us to make connection, assign meaning, create value, heal history, explode paradigms, build the future, and reclaim both individual and shared experience.The Fortelling podcast celebrates stories, storytellers, and storytelling as magick and medicine. Without stories, storytellers, and storytelling, we lose our place in the world. Because life *is* stories. And stories are FORTELLING.
Kristina Bauer, The Untamed Alchemist