Welcome to the Prince of Peace podcast! Listen to the worship services in their entirety from Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church in Dublin, Ohio. All of our weekly worship services, as well as special services, will be posted here on our podcast. Please visit our website, www.princeofpeacedublin.org, for more information about Prince of Peace. Rev. John D. Morris is the senior pastor and Rev. Dr. Jim Wilson is our interim associate pastor. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church has been serving the Dublin, Ohio community for 35 years, ministering to its members and friends and supporting local ministries such as the Dublin Food Pantry, Lutheran Social Services, the Faith Mission, and Habitat for Humanity. Prince of Peace is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA pursues God's work in the world with 3.7 million members in more than 9,300 congregations across the U.S. and in the Caribbean region. The ELCA works with schools and colleges, seminaries, camps, related networks and agencies, ecumenical and interreligious companions, Lutheran World Federation, World Council of Churches and numerous global church partners and organizations.
Rev. John D. Morris, Rev. Tim Wrenn, and Rev. Dr. Jim Wilson