INDICATIONS: pharmacist life is messy, filled with stress and lack of self-care, which leads to overwhelm,
anxiety, imposter syndrome, burnout, living in survival mode, and asking, 'is this all there is to my healthcare career?'Whether you are a pharmacy student in pharmacy school, a long-time pharmacist, a newly-minted PharmD, or an allied healthcare professional, this is your script to thrive! Living a fulfilled life allows you to turn your passion into your paycheck, develop an impactful personal brand, and build a thriving side hustle or business.This…is how to unapologetically own your fire. That is The Fit Pharmacist Lifestyle.DOSAGE: Real solutions for real problems every pharmacist deals with but no one is talking about. Real talk for practical solutions that actually work. SUBSCRIBE to the podcast for weekly audible doses of encouragement.ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: weekly dose of wisdom via audio. You can also find the video version of the podcast on The Fit Pharmacist YouTube channel.BLACK BOX WARNING: you'll be tricked into learning. ADVERSE REACTIONS: side effects include laughter as the best medicine, joy in your daily life, connection with your authentic self and pharmacy leaders, and getting out of your own, ending self-sabotage, living a life worthy of the calling you have received. MECHANISM OF ACTION: If you're confused, you'll lose…and clarity is power. This weekly podcast show invites you to flip your script from feeling like an imposter into clarity to live a life of fulfillment. Innovation, leadership, hope, inspiration, tools for transformation, antidotes to adversity, encouragement.ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: weekly dose of wisdom via audio. You can also find the video version of the podcast on The Fit Pharmacist YouTube channel.
Adam Martin, PharmD