More than eight years before the novel opens, Anne Elliot, then a lovely, thoughtful, warm-hearted 19 year
old, accepted a proposal of marriage from the handsome young naval officer Frederick Wentworth. He was clever, confident, and ambitious, but poor and with no particular family connections to recommend him. Sir Walter, Anne's fatuous, snobbish father and her equally self-involved older sister Elizabeth were dissatisfied with her choice, maintaining that he was no match for an Elliot of Kellynch Hall, the family estate. Her older friend and mentor, Lady Russell, acting in place of Anne's late mother, persuaded her to break the engagement. Now 27 and still unmarried, Anne re-encounters her former love when his sister and brother-in-law, the Crofts, take out a lease on Kellynch. Wentworth is now a captain and wealthy from maritime victories in the Napoleonic wars. However, he has not forgiven Anne for rejecting him. While publicly declaring that he is ready to marry any suitable young woman who catches his fancy, he privately resolves that he is ready to become attached to any appealing young woman except for Anne Elliot. (Summary by Wikipedia)Cast ListNarrator: Bob NeufeldSir Walter Elliot: Algy PugLady Russell: Libby GohnMr. Shepherd / Mr. Musgrove: ToddHWMrs. Clay: Michele EatonSir Basil: Richard FridayAnne Elliot: Elizabeth BarrMary Musgrove: Amanda FridayElizabeth Elliot: Eden Rea-HedrickMrs. Musgrove: Maria KasperCharles Musgrove: Jason MillsHenrietta Musgrove: TriciaGLouisa Musgrove: Charlotte DuckettCaptain Frederick Wentworth: Max KörlingeMrs. Croft: Frances BrownAdmiral Croft: Larry WilsonCharles Hayter: Bill MosleyInnkeeper / Sir William Elliot: Beth ThomasWaiter / First Lady: Elizabeth KlettCaptain Harville: mbMrs. Harville: WoollyBeeLady Dalrymple: Katalina WattMrs. Smith: LovedaySecond Lady: Kristin GjerløwThird Lady: MaryankaEdited by Michele Eaton