The smartest people in marketing talk to Jason Barnard about brand-related digital marketing topics they know
inside out. The podcast slogan: The conversations are always intelligent, always interesting and always fun!Branded Search (and Beyond) With Jason Barnard is super helpful for people who want to learn more about digital brand management, with particular focus on everyone who wants to control their brand narrative on Search Engines such as Google and Bing.Every conversation digs into the guests' specialist digital marketing topic and then delves into how that fits with Branded Search. The last question of the show is Answer one or both of these questions:Question 1 - How can your specialisation help with Branded Search?Question 2 - how does Branded Search tie in with your specialisation? The Guests:Over 5 seasons, the podcast has featured over 200 amazing guests including April Dunford, Joe Pulizzi, Cindy Krum, Rand Fishkin, Eric Enge, Joost de Valk, Aleyda Solis and Bill Slawski.The Topics:Jason and his guests discuss a wide variety of digital marketing topics that may seem disparate at first glance, but actually fit together beautifully when Jason applies the 'branded search angle'. From technical SEO to copywriting, from Knowledge Panels to influencer marketing, from Machine Learning to social media, from copywriting to brand design, from client retention to conversion rate optimisation, from user experience to Google's Knowledge Graph, from databases to design… and on and on and on!The Host:As the name of the podcast suggests Jason Barnard hosts the series, but he is also the director! Jason (widely known as The Brand SERP Guy) has worked in digital marketing for over 20 years. Read more here Top Podcast for 2022 Search Engine Journal(With Jason Barnard)... consists of over 200 podcasts on a wide range of technical and high-level digital marketing topics. It's a perfect example of an approach to SEO that embraces the full width and depth of what is required to succeed in search marketing for 2022.Roger MonttiBackstory:When it launched in 2019, the podcast was originally called #SEOisAEO, but the name changed in 2020 when Jason decided to broaden the range of topics covered on the podcast. For the first year and a half, the episodes were recorded face to face at major digital marketing conferences around the world including SMX London, YoastCon, CopyCon and Digital Olympus. In June 2020, the recordings moved online as an offshoot of the Kalicube Tuesdays livestream series. More about Kalicube Tuesdays. In January 2023, the podcast was rebranded 'Branded Search (and Beyond) With Jason Barnard) to reflect the focus on digital brand management, particularly in the Search Engine space.
Jason Barnard