Myra speaks concerning issues of LIFE, LIBERTY and JUSTICE and their Impact on INDIVIDUALS, CULTURE, and
SOCIETY in America and around the World.The Greatest Need of mankind is LOVE. 'In this was manifested the LOVE Of GOD toward us, because that HE sent HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON into the world, that we might LIVE Through HIM.' 1 John 4:9 'To as many as RECEIVE HIM, JESUS Gives The POWER to BECOME CHILDREN Of GOD.' John 1: 12 By JESUS the CHRIST is given The Gift Of FAITH and HIS HOLY SPIRIT to Fulfill our Needs of LOVE, SECURITY, SIGNIFICANCE, And IDENTITY! Myra Jean Myers is an ADVOCATE FOR THE LIFE Of WOMEN, MEN AND CHILDREN, having experienced the deception by the lies of the abortion industry and the wrong ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court January 22, 1973 in Roe vs. Wade. Now and for eternity Myra Jean Myers is forgiven in Christ and set-free to reach out to women and men wounded by the deception, destruction and devastation of abortion.'MYRA's STORY ABORTION HURTS EVERYONE' is available on her You Tube Channel The DVD is available in five languages and sponsorship for producing copies would be much appreciated; as well as, Myra's second DVD 'FROM DECEPTION TO HEALING'. Call 202-271-1580 mobile. Call for tax exemption.Since 2000, Myra Jean Myers has been volunteering with THE JUSTICE FOUNDATION's MINISTRY, OPERATION OUTCRY. Now on the National Advisory Council. Allan Parker, Founder and CEO of TJF represented Norma Mc Corvey (former 'Roe' of Roe v. Wade) 2000-2012 in her heart felt desire to reverse the case that bears her name. OPERATION OUTCRY is a movement of women and men to end the death of children in the womb and the harm abortion brings to the women, men and families. Myra Jean Myers, along with more than 4,600 women, have filled out legally admissible declarations of testimony as to the personal harm of abortion. The declarations are used as research to assist state legislatures and used in Amicus Briefs in defense of state pro-life laws. Women and men who desire to participate in a declaration, may do so online at Women being coerced to abort may receive free legal support from TJF's CENTER AGAINST FORCED ABORTION 1-866-4-OUTCRY, ALL Wounded by abortion may receive free counsel 24/7 and referral for local help, hope and healing. 1-866-482-LIFE (5433) 47 years of deception, there is finally THE MORAL OUTCRY, a public petition by American Citizens to the U.S. Supreme Court to end abortion, a crime against humanity. Please read and sign online. Join with more than 336,000 signers and be assisted by Allan Parker and The Justice Foundation to have your name recorded at the U.S. Supreme Court in the next Amicus Curiae Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of states' pro-life laws; ultimately in the case that reverses Roe v. Wade. Thank you.
Bold Brave TV