We are two friends who were drawn together by a shared interest, curiosity, and urgency to have conversations
about men as men.We believe that language and social imagination needed to contextualize, understand, critique, and shape what it means to be and live as a man in our culture is lacking and one-dimensional.We speak from our experiences as white, heterosexual, cis-gender, and middle class men growing up and living in Canada, with the recognition that the conversation about men is a broad umbrella sheltering many diverse voices and experiences. In contributing our perspectives, we understand ourselves as being a small tributary feeding into a broader cultural body of discourse, hoping to add insightful ideas and searching questions. We aspire to challenge ourselves and our listeners to have difficult and necessary conversations to improve our own lives as men, and the relationships that we tend to and are embedded in, including with our family, partners, friends, neighbors, and broader political and cultural institutions and systems.Thank you for stopping by, and please share any constructive feedback and topic ideas that come to you as you listen to our conversations.
Raoul Wieland and Andrew Pauls