Have you thought about finally starting that business now that your kids are older? Do you ever stay awake
wondering how to mesh your passions into purposeful work? Do you have big, ambitious goals, but feel overwhelmed or even unqualified to pursue them? Do you desire simplicity and a life without hurry, but you still want to pursue your goals? With inflation skyrocketing, you may be feeling the need to make some extra money to take the pressure off at home or just to have fun money again, and you're also ready to make an impact outside your home bubble. Turning your knowledge into an online business sounds like a great side hustle to consider.But... you don't want to sacrifice your family time, and you have no idea where to start! It sounds simple enough, but you're asking yourself if you're good enough, if you know enough, if people will want what you have to offer, and if you have what it takes to make something like this work for you in the season you're in.Well, in this podcast, I will help you clarify your goals and teach you how to use your interests to define your purpose. I'll help you create systems so you can find the time you need to take action. You'll learn how to create an atmosphere of simplicity and a life without hurry by setting boundaries, decluttering your schedule and mind, and ditching the distractions so you can finally be present right where you are while growing a successful online business. I have no doubt that you can both make an impact and money all while enjoying what you do.My ultimate mission is to help you step into the fire of refinement so God can mold and shape you into a woman ready to tackle the vision He placed in your heart. If you're ready to say yes to what's next and get unstuck, you're in the right place. Hey, I'm Gabe. A wife, mom, writer, runner, and Jesus lover! For years I put my dreams on the shelf thinking I had to sacrifice my own desires for motherhood. I thought I needed to be everything to everyone, but in the process I lost myself. I felt so scattered because I had way too many things on my plate, and I made all the excuses! What I realize now, after hitting a massive goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, is that my kids need me to pursue my own goals so I can be their best example. They need to see me win - and yours do too!As a running enthusiast, I believe life is one massive marathon, so if you're ready to turn your passion and purpose into impact and income all for the glory of God, then lace up those running shoes, pop in your ear buds, and let's do this thing! Step into the fire with me because I know you will come out stronger. Learn goals - https://redhotmindset.com Learn online business - https://www.gabecoxcoaching.comCommunity: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4mindfulmamasInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabecox_redhotmindset/
Gabe Cox - Clarity Coach, Business Coach, Strategy Coach